Her Name

Love songs sings your praises,
the lyrics are your name.
Some call u Ranjha,
Sometimes, Shams,
Other time, Layla.
You, the Thousand-named One,
the kingdom of my heart
you have set ablaze.
I have forgotten my name,
ever since i knew yours.
O' moon-faced beauty,
Replace my name,
With yours.


Pain & Sorrow

Look, how she combs her hair, admiring the mirror
Unaware of the flame this mad lover possess.
Smart lovers seek joy
But joy i have thrown away.
Each night i speak to sorrow
and its plan for tomorrow to kill my heart.
Friends have left me, enemies are present.
I no longer have the need for them.
In this love, i have given myself away.
What can pain & sorrow do to me now?
May pain & sorrow,
always fill the heart of this mad lover.
