11th rabi-ul-akhir The fourth month of the Islamic calendar is Rabi al Thani or sometimes known as Akhir. In this very month is the anniversary of the King of Baghdad, Chief of the contented souls, the incomparable, Hadrat Ghawthal-A'zam, Sayyadina Shaykh Muhiyudin, Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani, al-Hasaniw'al-Husaini, BhagdadiMuslims throughout the world in this month zealously make arrangements to offer Niyaz and Fateha of the Saint of Baghdad. Charity is also given in the name of Pious Saints of Islam as a means of conveying reward to these blessed from which not only the poor and beggars benefit a great deal but the souls of the believers also obtain peace and contentment.
A saying of Shaykh Sayyadina Abd'al-Qadir al JilaniGhawth al-A'zam said that, "Whosoever in his distress cries to me for help, he will be relieved of his distress; whosoever in his difficulty calls by my name, his difficulty will be solved; whosoever in his time of need-makes me as his intermediary to Allah Ta Aala , his needs will be fulfilled.
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