People love one another is beauty; the heart becomes inclined towards anything beautiful. Mere words cannot describe the beauty of the Messenger of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. We are told in hadith:
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is beautiful and likes beauty. - Hadith
A poet has penned the following verses:
My eye has not seen anything as beautiful as you,
No woman has ever borne anyone as beautiful as you,
Pure from imperfections,
as if your features are of your own choosing
Hadrat Aishah Siddiqa (Radi Allahu anha) is known to have said, "O' Zulaikha, you only cut your fingers at seeing (Hadrat) Yusuf alayhis 'salam. Had you seen the Messenger of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, you would have cut open your heart!¨ She also said, "The sky has its sun, and we have our own sun!¨
In yet another narration, we are told that Halima Sadia Radi Allahu anhu's daughter Shima used to ask her mother to send her brother with her when she would go to tend the sheep. When asked why, Shima said to her mother, "I notice that the sheep graze quickly whenever my brother Muhammad is with me. The sheep then gather around where I sit with my brother, and both I and the sheep gaze at his beautiful face.¨
One night, Hadrat Jabir alayhis 'salam entered the Mosque of the Prophet and found the Messenger of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala sitting therein. The full moon was shining brightly, and Hadrat Jabir alayhis 'salam shifted his gaze to and fro between the moon and the Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam's beautiful face. He did this a few times as if comparing the two, and finally decided that the Messenger of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala was far more beautiful than the moon. Furthermore,
Hadrat Ali Radi Allahu anhu said: Whoever laid but a glance upon the Messenger was awestruck; whoever looked upon him repeatedly was drowned in love and said in praise, "I have neither seen anything so awesome before nor will I see the like again."
-compiled by Zainul Abdeen Qadri
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