To a mind that is still,
the whole universe surrenders.
Chuang-tzu(ancient zen master)
In sufism and in other spiritual movements, great importance is shown to meditation. The power of meditation cannot be under-estimated in the path of spirutualism. It's bringing the mind into a state of 'one'-ness, and bringing it beyond the normal human's level of thinking. It leads to a deeper state of relaxation and awareness into one's soul. It ultimately leads to purification of the heart, and allows one to find peace within themselves.
In this modern world, with all sorts of turbulance going on daily, mediatation is becoming a daily part of everyone's life, now that yoga has spread to the western part of the world. The west has adapted the normally eastern techniques of meditation, and uses it in their daily practice.
Islam requires us to pray 5 times a day, where we focus our mind on God by reading verses of the Quran. But how many of us can actually say our mind is totally focused during prayers. The beginning stages of meditation is a playful mind. Where thoughts jump from 1 point to another. The founder of Zen Buddhism, Siddharta Gautama, recieved enlightenment after years of Mediation, under a tree.
1 has to realise the mind and heart connection. For the heart to recieve illumination and enlightenment, the mind must be able to focus and fix on a single point without wandering. I.e Total focus and attention. The perfect mind and heart, is the perfect mirror where the secrets will be reflected.
There is the story of Daniel. who entered the den of lions, and the lions were tamed instantly. Did he will them to be so? No. It was the calm and peace of the heart of Daniel reflected upon the lions that made them quiet like him. His own peace became their piece; they became peaceful.
The ocean of milk is the mind or the human consciousness.
The mind is like an ocean while the thoughts and emotions are the waves in the ocean.
-Samudra Manthan
*The phenomenon of reflection differs in its nature and character by reason of the nature of different personalities. The person whose thought becomes reflected in the heart or another may have a concrete form in his thought and may be able to hold it as one design or picture. In that case the reflection falls in the heart of another being clearly: but if the mind is so weak that it cannot hold a thought properly, then the thought is moving and it cannot reflect in the mind of another properly. If the mind of the person is not in good condition then the picture is not clear. If a person’s mind is not clear, if it is upset or too active, then the mind cannot convey the reflection fully.
Your wandering mind is with all things, people and ideas, never with your self. Bring your self into focus, and become aware of your own existence.
*The mind can be likened to a lake. If the wind is blowing and the water is disturbed, then the reflection will not be clear; but when the water is still the reflection is clear. And so it is with the mind: the mind which is still is capable of receiving reflections. The mind which is powerful, capable of making and holding a thought, a picture can project its thought beyond any boundaries that may be there to hinder it.
By trying to bring the mind into a single point of focus, we may be able to recieve illumination from God into the heart, and find peace with ourselves. When this stage has been reached, the secret doors of reality will opened in the inner depths of our heart.
It is as though you have an eye
That sees all forms But does not see itself.
This is how your mind is. Its light penetrates everywhere And engulfs everything,
So why does it not know itself?
-Foyan(zen master)
*Taken from The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan http://www.anaflora.com/articles/saints-sages/saint-3.html
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