The Bootlace

I would like to share this particular thought today, which occured to me while i was untying my army boots lace. The way the boots is tied is with many loop knots(i don't know what it's exactly called) and then tied at the top end. But to untie lace is pretty easy. All you got to do, is pull the end of the string and all the knots at once gets undone.

Right once im done, this thought came to my mind. In life, all it takes is just 1 mistake to make the knots of hardwork get undone. We build so many relationship with people in this world. If you make a terrible mistake, will the people look at you the same way again?

This reasoning has a profound impact especially on the individual in the path of Knowledge. If that individual does plenty of Zikr of Allah*, it is of no use if he follows it up with a sin. It's like tying a stone to a helium-filled balloon. It will never reach the sky.

If you take a white piece of paper, and put a black dot on it, the first place the eyes goes to, is to the black dot. The first thought is ''there's a black dot on the paper.'' It doesn't matter how much white space is on the paper. The bottomline is, there's a black dot on the paper. Like this the person striving for spiritual perfection, has to make sure his heart is pure, free from defects to make progress.

It is like the loose thread which sticks out from the edge of a piece of cloth -

pull on it and the whole weaving comes undone.

[pg 92, letters of the journey, Amatullah Armstrong.]

* Zikr Of Allah, is the repetions of a certain phrase or Name of God, Asma-ul-Husna, for the purification of the heart.

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