Whatever mishap may befall you, it is on account of something which you have done.
No misfortune or vexation befalleth a servant of God, small or great, but on account of his faults committed: and most of these God forgiveth.
Heaven lieth at the feet of mothers.
God's pleasure is in a father's pleasure; and God's displeasure is in a father's displeasure.
He who wisheth to enter Paradise at the best door must please his father and mother.
A man is bound to do good to his parents, although they may have injured him.
There is no child, a doer of good to his parents, who looketh on them with kindness and affection, but God will grant with every look the rewards for an approved pilgrimage.
Some poetry is dressed in knowledge and art.
The truest words spoken by any poet are those of Labid: "Know that everything is vanity save God."
God hath treasures beneath the Throne, the keys whereof are the tongues of poets.
Some poetry containeth much wisdom.
Prayer is the miraj (union with, or annihilation in, the Divine Essence by means of continual upward progress) of the Faithful.
The Lord doth not regard a prayer in which the heart doth not accompany the body.
He whom prayer preventeth not from wrongdoing and evil, increaseth in naught save in remoteness from the Lord.
The key of Paradise is Prayer, and the key of prayer is ablution.
Say your prayers standing; but if you are not able, sitting; and if unable, on your sides.
These are just a few. A drop from the Ocean.
Shams-Ud Duha, Badr-ud-dujaa, O the bright sun!, O the moon in darkness!, you are revered greatly.O the king of mankind!, your face is an image of God.
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